
What if you would have a marketing & mindset coach who…

  • Would guide you through the latest digital marketing trends.
  • Keep you accountable weekly, so that you stay consistent in your marketing efforts, which in turn brings you consistent sales.
  • Connect you with a tribe of women going through a similar journey like you, to empower and support each other.
  • Teach you how to create engaging videos, graphics, and any other content you need for your business, so that you,d never feel lost while creating.
  • Upgrade your mindset so that you can ask for what you are really worth.

Are you an ambitious entrepreneur who…

  • Has a great product or service you believe in, but don’t have the time to market it?
  • Trying to catch up with all social media updates but at the end feeling like you aren’t consistent enough to make a difference?
  • Feeling shy to create content which at the end doesn’t bring any sales?
  • Asking for prices that are WAY below your ideal income, but you don’t know how to switch?
  • Feeling lost often being a solopreneur, and miss a community to support you?

I’m a Marketing & Mindset Coach.

As Team Lead I’ve worked in startups and achieved record sales months. Now I’m helping ambitious entrepreneurs get visible online so that they can get consistent clients and sales, all while feeling good and serving their purpose.

Let’s Get Started!

Accounts reached online

Years of best


Satisfied happy customers

I offer many packages specialized for your needs, and the best is to have a call to decide which works best for you.

Social Media Shortcut

Group Coaching Program

  • Group & hot seat coaching tailored to your specific needs
  • Training material (6 modules and 555+ minutes, new trainings added regularly)
  • 2-hour weekly sessions for 6 months (24 sessions)
  • Templates, sheets, checklists
  • Community of other inspiring entrepreneurs
  • Direct access to me in between sessions


1:1 Marketing & Sales Consulting

contact for more info

  • Social Media, Sales, Email Marketing, Branding Strategy
  • 1:1 consulting and/or coaching tailored to your specific needs
  • 1-hour weekly sessions for 3-6 months 
  • Direct access to us as a team of brand specialists, ad managers, and designers in between sessions
  • Tailor-made special offers available- just reach out to us!


Social Media Management

contact for more info

  • Social Media Deliverables ( 3 to 5 posts per week)
  • Copywriting & sharing
  • Branding implementation (Brand identity creation)
  • Community engagement
  • Social media cross-platform presence

Hear from our happy clients

Celebrate success stories from clients who’ve transformed their businesses and lives with our guidance. Discover how Dilan Faith Marketing and Mindset Coaching has made a remarkable difference in their entrepreneurial journeys.

Working with Dilan has been seriously life-changing for me. I have done more for my business within 3 months of working with her than I did in the 3 years before. I finally have a structure and a schedule for my marketing. I know exactly what I need to do each week. The high vibe in the group helps me stay motivated and take action every day.
I feel to be on the right track towards my dream business for the first time in my life. Thank you, Dilan for all your love and support! ❤️

Nora N.

Business Owner

Dilan has helped me so much in up-levelling my social media & marketing strategies for my therapy business. We have been working with each other for 5 months now and I have seen my profits go up & also my confidence has improved as I trust in the strategies.

Emma H.

Business Owner

© 2023 ·

Dilan Faith

· All rights reserved